The Decision – Short Story by Lola Hornof

Juliana was walking through the streets of New York City. Thinking about the decision she had to make. Her fiancé had been offered an excellent job in Seattle. Was she ready to relocate all the way across the country? After all her whole life was here.

Her dream job, family, and all her friends she had known forever. She did not think a long -distance relationship would work. Was their love enough to stand it? Was their love enough for her to give up everything she knew? These questions were running through her mind. She loved the hustle and bustle of New York. It was her home. As she walked, she headed to Time Square. There she could think and watch people go by.

The sounds of the city was one of her favorite things. She made it to Time Square. She started watching the street performers and just listening to people talk and laugh all around her. Juliana looked at the electronic billboards and all the bright lights. Was she really ready to leave all of this behind she thought. She had her doubts about their love because he had been so distant lately. He blamed work but she knew it was more than that.

They had only been together for two years. She had to make her decision tonight because he wanted an answer as soon as possible. Walking throughout the city was making her decision for her. She did not want to leave her life. It was going so well. Maybe she just did not love him enough to give it all up. Juliana supposed they could try the long distance relationship. Either way, he would not be happy but at this point in her life she had to do what made her happy. She felt she deserved it and had worked very hard for it. Long before she had met him.
She slowly walked home, ready to tell him her decision. Confident that she was making the right choice for herself. She finally reached the apartment. That was where he was waiting. She opened the door and he was sitting on the couch. He was figuring she would say yes and it would all be fine.

Juliana sat down next to him on the blue couch. She took his hand into hers and explained how she felt. She could see the disappointment on his face. But she had to do what was going to make her happy. And she would never be happy leaving her home. He told her he did not want to do the long- distance relationship and told her it was over then.

He got up, went into the bedroom and packed a bag. He told her he was going to a hotel and would send movers for his stuff. She was sad but happy at the same time. She had made the right decision, she knew it in her heart. But their break up still hurt her. His reaction showed her that this relationship was just not meant to be. Sitting back on the couch, she thought about how happy she was staying in her city and her home. It was final, the decision had been made.

For More About Lola Hornof, CLICK HERE

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