Time Changes Love – Poem by Lola Hornof

As you grow, As a couple, Time changes love, For the better, It makes the relationship stronger, And more fierce, It comes out more in actions, Than in words spoken, It becomes the small things that matter, Like knowing how you take your coffee, As love matures, So does the relationship, You grow even closer, … Continue reading Time Changes Love – Poem by Lola Hornof

Romantic – Poem by Lola Hornof

He is the most romantic man ever, Gives me presents, For no occasion, Makes special dinners by candlelight, Buys me flowers all the time, Takes me to the beach, To watch the sunset, Knows what I like, And everything about me, Always surprising me, This is what romance is all about. For More From Lola … Continue reading Romantic – Poem by Lola Hornof

Middle of the Forest – Poem by Lola Hornof

Tall, old trees, Surrounded her, Making her feel small, Birds rustling the branches overhead, Squirrels and chipmunks, Ran along the ground, The smell of fresh pine, Flowed through the air, As a breeze blew through, She felt so content, Never feeling this close to nature before, Rejuvenating yourself, The most natural way ever. For More … Continue reading Middle of the Forest – Poem by Lola Hornof

How Do You Know Love – Poem by Lola Hornof

Love is the way he looks at you, With admiration, And respect, It is your heart fluttering, Skipping a beat at his touch, You have electricity flowing when you kiss, Love is when you are sick, He takes care of you, Then you do the same for him, He gently tucks you into bed at … Continue reading How Do You Know Love – Poem by Lola Hornof

Fire Flies – Poem by Lola Hornof

Pitch black night, Sitting in a field, Surrounded, All around, Fireflies dance and glow, Making their brilliant luminescence, Fun to guess where they will appear, Little flashlights, Simple pleasures, Watching nature, Deep at night, Seeing nature’s creatures light up the night, Another natural wonder, Catching one, Gently, Glowing in my hand, Tickling my palm, Let … Continue reading Fire Flies – Poem by Lola Hornof

Happiness is Individual – Poem by Lola Hornof

Each person has something different that makes them happy, It can be watching the sunrise with your morning coffee, A wag of a dog’s tail when you come home, Something simple, Making a garden, For a Mother, It is seeing her newborn child for the first time, For others music may be what makes them … Continue reading Happiness is Individual – Poem by Lola Hornof

Emotions Gone Wild – Poem by Lola Hornof

Happiest in my dreams, Where we are together, Nothing holding us back. I see you, My heart races and I feel light-headed, All my emotions rush through me all at once, Strongest feeling being love, Bravery does not exist for me, The thought of talking to you panics and terrifies me, Insecurity takes over, I … Continue reading Emotions Gone Wild – Poem by Lola Hornof

Interference – Short Story by Lola Hornof

Why do you always meddle, why can’t you leave me be ? ‘, the exasperation and anger evident and obvious in her voice. ‘Why can’t you mind your own. I’ll live my life and you live yours ‘. ‘I’m only looking out for you. I have your best interests at heart’, he lied. ‘I dont … Continue reading Interference – Short Story by Lola Hornof

Broken Trust – Poem by Lola Hornof

There was a very loud crash, That nobody else heard, Broken inside, Nothing could change that, Why do I have to suffer? He created my broken self, On the fears of the people I trusted most, In the end, I got away, Battered and bruised, But alive, I feel that nothing is safe, Nothing at … Continue reading Broken Trust – Poem by Lola Hornof