Love at First Kiss – Short Story by Lola Hornof

It had been so long since she had been in a relationship. She was content being alone doing things her own way. Kailey felt a twinge of loneliness every now and then. She just tried to ignore it as much as she could.
Sitting in front of the computer, she noticed a new message. A man had seen her pictures and profile and wanted to get to know her better. He told her she was beautiful. Her insecurities and self-doubt crept in because she didn’t feel pretty. Who knew this would be the beginning of a relationship?
They would text and talk on the phone for hours. It was as if they had known each other forever. Kailey always got butterflies when she talked to him and looked forward to his text first thing in the morning. So she asked if he wanted to meet for coffee. He responded with a yes and a smiley face. They made plans to meet the next day. She would know when they met if he was the one.
The day of their date, Kailey was anxious and excited all at once. Their talks had been long and they had really gotten to know each other. Either way it went she was still nervous. What if her didn’t think she was pretty in person? Her insecurities were creeping into her head. She tried to look her best but her insecurities were in full force. They had agreed on a mutual meeting place and were going to go from there.
The minute he stepped out of his car, she could tell he was pure confidence. He walked over and took of his sunglasses. The blue shirt he was wearing brought out the blue in his eyes. When Kailey looked into his eyes, she knew he was the one.
They decided to go eat then go to his house and talk. They went to his house so they could get to know each other even better. They talked, laughed, and smiled for hours. It was as if they had known each other forever. Then they kissed. The moment their lips touched, Kailey knew he was the one she had been longing for. This was the man she was meant to be with. They had so much in common, good and bad. She felt completely safe with him.
It was time for Kailey to leave even though neither wanted this to happen. They would get together the next day when he got out of work. In the meantime, they would call and text. As she left, she felt as if she had met the person she had been waiting for her whole life.
As Kailey headed home, her mind was racing and her heart was beating out of her chest. She had never felt this way before about anyone. Excitement filled her as she thought about seeing him the next day. She had finally met her soulmate. Her days of loneliness were over. She could finally be truly happy.

For More About Lola Hornof, CLICK HERE

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