Without Meaning – Poem by Rachel Brown

Without meaning  do  I  exist  without  hope  do  I  live  alas  what  am  I  to see life  for what  it  is , I don’t  feel right  forcing  others  to  see  what  I  see knowing  that  my  long lived  loneliness   might never see an  end  in sight  without  meaning  in  my  life I  am  empty  without  … Continue reading Without Meaning – Poem by Rachel Brown

Shape of Spring – Poem by Susan Stevens

There was a large lady from Penn Who was back on her diet – again. She’d spent the winter doing nothing but munch, Take-a-ways, dinners out, round the pub for lunch. Extra portions, dumplings with stew, A cake or biscuit with every brew. These are just some of the things she has tried, And now … Continue reading Shape of Spring – Poem by Susan Stevens

Snow – Poem by Kathleen Kifer

Tiny white orbs, celestially sent,  In drifting, meandering feathered descent Once caught on a breeze, they skitter and tease Alighting, then melting, their joyrides spent Larger, fluffier, robust flakes Collide in a gale off of unfrozen lakes Fulfilling their mission with white-out precision Slick roads and school closings evolve in their wake Piercing ice arrows … Continue reading Snow – Poem by Kathleen Kifer

Time Changes Love – Poem by Lola Hornof

As you grow, As a couple, Time changes love, For the better, It makes the relationship stronger, And more fierce, It comes out more in actions, Than in words spoken, It becomes the small things that matter, Like knowing how you take your coffee, As love matures, So does the relationship, You grow even closer, … Continue reading Time Changes Love – Poem by Lola Hornof

Romantic – Poem by Lola Hornof

He is the most romantic man ever, Gives me presents, For no occasion, Makes special dinners by candlelight, Buys me flowers all the time, Takes me to the beach, To watch the sunset, Knows what I like, And everything about me, Always surprising me, This is what romance is all about. For More From Lola … Continue reading Romantic – Poem by Lola Hornof

Middle of the Forest – Poem by Lola Hornof

Tall, old trees, Surrounded her, Making her feel small, Birds rustling the branches overhead, Squirrels and chipmunks, Ran along the ground, The smell of fresh pine, Flowed through the air, As a breeze blew through, She felt so content, Never feeling this close to nature before, Rejuvenating yourself, The most natural way ever. For More … Continue reading Middle of the Forest – Poem by Lola Hornof