Thoughts on My Book Signing

With SisterDecember 10, 2016

I just had one of the most wonderful afternoons of my life.  I had my first solo book signing at the Lewiston Library, surrounded by people who came to celebrate with me, support me, and inspire me to keep writing.  I’m happy to say, I sold quite a few copies of “Tessa – Portrait of a Survivor,” and several copies of my first book, “If a Tree Falls – A Love Song Comes True.

Michelle Kratts made the arrangements for us to use the Community Room and made us all feel welcome.  Along with my sister, Susan Zacher, my writing family was there — Debra Sherman and several members of the Lewiston Writers’Group, and my mentor and dear friend, Norah Perez.  And then there were the friends and acquaintances who enjoyed my first book and had been enthusiastically awaiting the second, like a faithful fan club.   That’s when I feel I’ve arrived as a writer, and it couldn’t be more rewarding.

Many of us have spent years as “closet” writers.  Someone asks what you do and if you tell the truth and say, “I’m a writer” when you haven’t been published, it feels like a hollow boast that no one will believe, anyway.  It’s the same as saying, “I’m an artist” or “I’m an actor” – a statement that sometimes gets a kind of “Who- do- you- think- you- are?” type of look.

I thank God I’ve been around long enough to experience the joy and freedom of self-publication.  I can only imagine how many wonderful manuscripts were rejected by profit-oriented publishers in the past.  They held the key and the gates were extremely narrow.  Now, with the added benefit of social media, the sky is the limit for hard-working writers who have something important to say, and the readers who seek inspiring, meaningful stories.

So tonight finds me very happy, very proud to be a writer, and anxious to begin my next book.

Thank you, everyone!


For More About Kathy’s Book Signing, CLICK HERE

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3 thoughts on “Thoughts on My Book Signing”

  1. Indeed I had been waiting for this second book since the moment I finished the first book (which I have shared with many friends). Totally worth the wait; I can’t put it down but am forcing myself to take breaks because I don’t want it to end! Great writing Kathy!! Please keep them coming!
    P.S. On my recommendation, the Niagara University library has ordered both books for their Recreational Reading Collection; gotta share a good read!

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