Support the Niagara County Bookmakers

“Create. Not for the money. Not for the fame. Not for the recognition. But for the pure joy of creating something and sharing it.” ― Ernest Barbaric Creating fiction is my passion and joy. Who is better at fantasy and seeing the world as it could be than children? Each year I work with kids in … Continue reading Support the Niagara County Bookmakers

Moving On in Life – Poem by Dominic Houlihan

To move on in your life you can’t let the past define you. As life is too short to carry so much sadness with you. Learn from your past lesson and leave them behind you. Even if the pain is so hard to deal with that no words can describe. Watching the person you loved … Continue reading Moving On in Life – Poem by Dominic Houlihan

Book Review – In Our Words Anthology 2016

After our meeting Monday night, I started reading the first story, “In Conclusion” by Rose Batt. This author knows how to get into your mind! I put the book on the shelf for about two days.  On Wednesday, I read the second story of only five short pages.  At first I thought I was reading … Continue reading Book Review – In Our Words Anthology 2016