Support the Niagara County Bookmakers

“Create. Not for the money. Not for the fame. Not for the recognition. But for the pure joy of creating something and sharing it.”
― Ernest Barbaric

Creating fiction is my passion and joy. Who is better at fantasy and seeing the world as it could be than children? Each year I work with kids in a Niagara County 4H group that write fiction. Their stories are imaginative originals that make adults pause and think. They are so much fun, but it is the possibility that something big might be taking hold in these young minds, something that could form their future that truly motivates me.

The third edition of the Niagara County Bookmakers is in production and will be sold once more by the little authors sitting at a table at the county fair the first week of August. If you choose to support them by buying a copy, who knows, you just might inspire a boy or girl to pursue a career in literature.

-Max Warfield


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