Hello Everyone!

Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog!  I’m so excited to begin this new venture of sharing my thoughts about writing, about my books, about my life’s experiences – with all of you!  I hope you’ll come back often, and please, comment below with your thoughts and feedback as we go along.  I need your input!  Kathy

5 thoughts on “Hello Everyone!”

  1. I write crime suspense and you write emotional suspense. I couldn’t put your book down. My wife has it now and loves it so far.

  2. I enjoyed your book for many reasons, but it was your insight into your protagonist’s psyche that I found unique, your bravery and your willingness to share your experience is truly amazing. It made a difficult journey and love story stand out as extraordinary.

  3. Carol and I found your book an exceptional and easy read. The emotional suspense is well handled, and the ending is well crafted. We did not anticipate exactly where the novel was going. Great Job, Kathy.

  4. Kathy, the first chapter of Tessa was powerful,we see an intelligent woman facing the terrible losses, we must read more to find how she survives

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