Gems of Life – Poems by V. Ravi Shankar


Right now, I am a family man by love marriage,

Back then, I was a proposer of love;

Since then, I am a true lover,

Till now, I maintain the same relationship,

Spirit of love is unique and long way to go,

Bond of love is continuous and unbreakable.

Love cannot be expressed in words, as that of a natural beauty,

Love is as vast as that of a river joining ocean,

At your young age, or old age;

Love makes no difference with the passage of time.

Before marriage, or after marriage,

Love is same with its old charm.

Oh! Love it is going to be continuous till it reaches infinity,

Oh god! Till death I want to cherish the dreams of love.

Cycle of Life

I teach children’s as a teacher,

Just like a mother feeding her baby,

I get knowledge by reading books,

Just like a bee sucking honey from flowers,

I work wholeheartedly for my boss,

Just like a servant obeying his landlord,

I built my own house or shelter,

Just like a nest built on trees by crow,

I forgive my enemies for wrong deeds,

Just like ice melting into water,

I work all my life time,

Just like a cow giving milk all her life,

I love my parents,

Just like my son and daughter love me,

I will give life to other animals and human beings,

Just like god giving me life on this earth.


Without tiring hard work day long;

There is no sound sleep at night;

Without a light morning walk or jog;

There is no free mind day long;

Without light exercise, yoga or meditation;

There is no freshness day long;

Without healthy food three times a day long;

There is no indigestion day long;

Without a break in the evening for recreation;

There is no rest to mind day long;

Without a light dinner, with a glass full of milk and fruits;

There is no sound sleep at night;

Without following all the above;

There is no freshness even day after.


It is very easy to lose;

But it is not so easy to win;

It is very easy to steal;

But it is not so easy to earn;

It is very easy to commit mistake;

But it is not so easy to avoid mistake;

It is very easy to learn little bit;

But it is not so easy to master;

It is very easy to be lazy;

But it is not so easy to be active;

It is very easy to depend on others;

But it is not so easy to stand on one’s own leg;

It is very easy to harm others;

But it is not so easy to help others;

It is very easy to be irregular;

But it is not so easy to be punctual;

It is very easy to commit suicide;

But it is not so easy to survive.


Don’t worry, when you are in trouble,

Try to get help from others.

Don’t worry, when you met with an accident.

Try to get evidence from onlookers.

Don’t worry, when a theft or fire occurs at your home,

Try to get help from neighbours or friends.

Don’t worry, when you take a bribe,

Try to avoid rumours.

Don’t worry, when you feel hungry,

Try to eat at right time.

Don’t worry, when you fail in your exams,

Try to pass at your next attempt.

Don’t worry, when you suffer loss in your business,

Try to change your line of business.

Don’t worry when you are depressed,

Try   to refresh your mind through recreation.

Don’t worry, when you are sick,

Try to take the advice of a doctor.

Don’t worry, when you try to commit suicide,

Try to live with confidence.

Don’t worry, when you suffer financial loss,

Try to earn more.

Don’t worry, when you are in deep controversy,

Try to convince properly.

Don’t worry, when you could not succeed at your first attempt,

Try to better your chance at next attempt.

Don’t worry, when you help others,

Try to be patient until you receive, the same help form others.

 Don’t worry, when you get huge amounts,

Try to keep half to yourself, and half to charity.



 One need not set high goals in life,

One must accomplish it step by step.

One need not aim at becoming rich overnight,

One must accomplish it by hard work.

One need not aim at becoming a Scientist,

One must accomplish it by inventing something new.

One need not aim at becoming a Doctor,

One must accomplish it by serving poor patients.

One need not dream of teaching others,

One must accomplish it by self study.

One need not aim at becoming a skilled worker,

One must accomplish it by good workmanship.

One need not aim at becoming a social worker,

One must accomplish it by serving both rural and urban poor peoples.

One must not aim at becoming a role model for others,

One must accomplish it by achieving something new in life.

One need not aim at becoming a Prime Minister,

One must accomplish it by winning the hearts of peoples through good works.

One need not aim at becoming a Government Officer,

One must accomplish it by without taking bribes.

One need not aim at becoming a healthy person,

One must accomplish it by eating and exercising healthy.

 One need not aim at becoming an honest person,

One must accomplish it by following strict discipline and principles.

 One need not dream of overtaking seniors at work place,

One must accomplish it by giving respect and knowledge.

 One need not aim at wasting the precious time at young age,

One must accomplish it by   knowing the value of time.

 One need not dream of luxury in life by stealing,

One must accomplish it by earning well.

 One need not aim at becoming a winner always,

One must accomplish it by facing the consequences with equal ease when you lose.

 One need not aim at becoming a Guru at first sight,

One must accomplish it by being a disciple for some time.

 One need not aim at Victory at first attempt,

One must accomplish it by loosing several times before winning.

 One need not aim at high level beyond his capacity,

One must accomplish it by being within his limits.

-V. Ravi Shankar, India

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