Kathleen Kifer on LCTV November 16 – 30!

Lewiston Writers’ Group member, Kathleen Kifer, is being featured on LCTV (Lockport Community Television)!

TessaKathleen is interviewed by Marion Hannigan regarding her experiences with breast cancer as well as her new novel, Tessa – Portrait of a Survivor, which draws on her personal experience with metastatic breast cancer and the resultant amputation of her left arm.

The show will air from November 16th to November 30th:

LCTV Channel 20, Digital 21.3

Sundays 4:30 pm

Mondays 5:00 am

Wednesdays 11:30 am

Thursdays 3:30 pm

Kathleen KiferSign Up for Updates!

Be sure to subscribe to Kathleen’s Blog for updates on the show and the opportunity to comment and offer feedback on the interview.

Congratulations, Kathy!

Debra Sherman
Co-Founder and Chairperson
Lewiston Writers’ Group


LogoFor More About Kathleen Kifer, CLICK HERE

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