Thine heart resigned
due to the hurt which had become a
stormy night which thou cannot comprehend the hurt, deep within this heart of mine alas
thou art thine finest lover true in all things
designed to always remain most true
against all odds;
hold tight to thine slender form even when the pain
doesn’t pass from the boundaries of what was meant for the yesterdays which only bring about the sorrows of a mortality more painful than death
I want no more to strive thyself upon than the pain which drives thine heart most full of hurt.
Release my heart and all the hurt within thy heart most true in all things even
I will never seek another way out of thy,
existence even when all else had failed me even if all else had failed me I will stand always true
no matter what is left of me I will always remain true in all the things that had remained
all things full of hopeful thoughts and I’ll never
leave my ways of love behind alas it’ll all
just be a waste of who I am;
the defined one
is one who stands strongest against all odds
of who I am even now when love stands strongest and I’ll never lose myself.
Tis who I am that defines the strongest qualities of who I am that makes me strong in all things
which is why I cannot cry any more against all odds,
will I always put my love first in all things
no matter where it is that I leave my desires
I will not leave my heart in a shattered mess upon the floor regardless of the fate which defines me as I am right here right now;
I will never leave my words in a negative way
and not make them right it’ll all just be a way that I am it’ll all be a matter of time
until all things make right of themselves in the very end of who we are at this time.