Terry Belleville

Books by Terry Belleville

Raising the Bar

The restoration of a ramshackle country pub in Australia was a daunting prospect at any time.  Tackling it in the grim 1930’s was madness.  They would battle doubts, isolation, deadly fires, droughts, and heat that showed no mercy.  Yet, along the way, they would discover riches they had never expected.

new novel by mike miller

Terry BellevilleMatters of Kindness

Kindness comes in many forms. You could give someone a kidney or just say hello. It all counts. There’s a lot of my life captured between these pages. Some of it’s funny, some a little off beat. I hope you find moments that warm and comfort you and occasionally something that gives you a laugh or makes you smile.Terry Belleville

About Terry

Terry Belleville was born in Australia and now lives 
in Canada with his wife, actress, Donna Belleville. They have two sons and four brilliant and gorgeous grandchildren. Terry has acted extensively on stage. He has also 
written for stage, television, film and print. He founded The Factory Inc., a creative resource 
 for agencies and The Film Factory, which produced commercials, documentaries, and dramas.

Terry’s Blog

You can hear from Terry and comment about his books by visiting his blog HERE.

Terry BellevilleBook Signings and Events

We’ll post the dates, times and locations of Terry’s book signings and speaking engagements here.  Check back often, or subscribe to his mailing list for updates!

Your Feedback, Please!

Please comment below if you’d like to comment on Terry’s work.  Your comment can be as short as, “Great job, Terry!” or as long as a full-blown book review.  Let’s all support Terry and tell the world how talented he is!

For More Books by the Lewiston Writers’ Group, CLICK HERE

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