Maureen Weber

Maureen WeberMaureen Weber’s novel, Have Mercy – A Nursing Memoir, which she co-wrote with her friends and former nursing colleagues, Mary Herbst and Maureen Ott, is available on Amazon.

Books by Maureen Weber

Maureen WeberHave Mercy – A Nursing Memoir

The authors of “Have Mercy: A Nursing Memoir” are retired nurses who have treasured memories of the restrictive life in a New York Catholic nursing school in the early 1960s. They vividly describe the humor and pranks that helped them endure the controlled dormitory environment that mimicked living in a convent. Theirs is a story of personal growth and day-to-day struggles in a new setting and career. In this memoir, the authors share the bonding and friendship that was essential to their survival during those years and continues to this day.

Maureen WeberAbout Maureen

Maureen O’Connor Weber is a graduate of Mercy Hospital School of Nursing and Niagara University College of Nursing.  She lives in Lewiston, NY.

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